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Localization at a Crossroads: Turning Rhetoric into Reality

Explore the critical insights from Dr. Donna Vincent Roa, Project Director at Panagora Group, on the localization agenda in international development. This article examines the gap between the ideals of localization and the realities faced by local organizations in the Global South. It highlights the need for local leaders to be empowered as strategic partners, rather than mere implementers, in decision-making processes. Dr. Roa advocates for innovative funding approaches and streamlined compliance to foster true collaboration and sustainability. Join the conversation on how to transform localization from rhetoric into actionable solutions that yield lasting development impacts.

USAID/Colombia Private Sector Engagement Assessment

This assessment details USAID/Colombia’s experience in strengthening private sector engagement (PSE) between 2015 and 2020, emphasizing the shift from a philanthropic model to market-oriented solutions. Through 531 PSEs, including Global Development Alliances (GDAs), USAID/Colombia engaged with 260 private sector stakeholders across economic sectors. Key findings highlight the efficiency of GDAs in leveraging private sector resources. The assessment underscores the importance of collaboration among USAID activities to maximize private sector resources and expertise. Panagora conducted this assessment for the USAID Colombia Monitoring, Evaluating, and Learning Activity.

Strengthening Global Health Security: Panagora’s Localized Approach

Panagora, alongside PATH and Itad, spearheads the USAID Localize Global Health Security (LGHS) project, focusing on strengthening local organizations worldwide to combat infectious disease threats. Operating in countries like Cameroon, Jamaica, and Kenya, LGHS targets critical health security gaps through grants and technical assistance, fostering peer learning and capacity building among grantees. With a mission to enhance health security both locally and globally, LGHS embodies Panagora’s commitment to empowering communities for lasting impact.

Driving Development Impact Through Evidence-Based Action: Panagora’s Innovative Approach

In South Africa, under the Technical Support Services (TSS) contract, we are utilizing a cloud-based Data Center to process vast amounts of data, providing real-time insights for program improvement in HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) reduction. Additionally, we are leading communications and knowledge management for USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, disseminating impactful materials to drive action in the delivery of essential medicines and commodities. Through collaborative initiatives like CLAimHealth and CLAimDev with USAID/Philippines, we are facilitating evidence-driven adaptive management, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation for sustainable development outcomes.


Empowering Civil Society: USAID’s Midterm Assessment of MADANI Initiative in Indonesia

This midterm evaluation assesses the progress of the MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative in Indonesia, focusing on improving civil society organizational capacity (CSO), strengthening local government accountability, and promoting tolerance, enhancing CSO financial sustainability, and improving the enabling environment for CSO engagement at the local level. The findings indicate positive outcomes, including organizational improvements in CSOs, enhanced advocacy for government accountability and tolerance promotion, increased CSO eligibility for donor funding, and improved local engagement in the development process. The evaluation provides valuable insights to inform program adjustments and future strategies, catering to the needs of CSOs and addressing local development challenges effectively. Panagora completed this evaluation under the USAID Indonesia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Platform (MEL-P).

Effectiveness of Rainfall Predictions Tools for Farmers in Nusa Tenggara: Evaluation Report

This evaluation studied the effectiveness of rainfall prediction tools for farmers in Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, focusing on accuracy, utility, dissemination, and disaster preparedness. Ideally access to effective prediction tools will enhance future USAID interventions in this sector, emphasizing the importance of reliable, accessible, and complementary tools for agricultural and disaster management practices in Nusa Tenggara.  This report found the evaluated rainfall prediction tools may serve as a complementary source of disaster information alongside traditional forecasting methods. Panagora completed this evaluation under the USAID Indonesia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Platform (MEL-P).

Mid-Term Evaluation of USAID/India ALLIES Project

This report presents a mid-term performance evaluation of the USAID/India-funded Accountability Leadership by Local Communities for Inclusive, Enabling Services (ALLIES) project, implemented by the Resource Group for Education and Advocacy for Community Health (REACH). The project worked to foster a culture of accountability in tuberculosis elimination efforts by leveraging community action and using tools like the Community Accountability Framework. Findings highlighted achievements such as progress in community advocacy and the establishment of tuberculosis survivor-led networks and challenges including gender gaps in program implementation. Panagora conducted this evaluation in support of USAID’s Collaborating, Learning and Adapting in India Mechanism (India CLAIM). 

Improving Food Security: Ex-Post Facto Evaluation of Nutrition-Sensitive Fisheries Technologies in Odisha

This report presents the findings of an ex-post facto evaluation on the Scaling Nutrition-Sensitive Fisheries Technologies and Integrated Approaches through Partnership in Odisha USAID/India project implemented by WorldFish. The project aimed to enhance food and nutrition security in Odisha through increased availability, accessibility, and consumption of nutrient-rich fish and fish products. Findings reveal the project exceeded targets including the establishment of solar dryers and promotion of small fish consumption and faced challenges in in the distribution of fish products to schools and community ponds. Recommendations include enhancing commercial market linkages, improving post-project technical assistance, and refining behavior change communication strategies. Panagora conducted this evaluation in support of USAID’s Collaborating, Learning and Adapting in India Mechanism (India CLAIM).