Announcing Subcontract Win: Five-Year Performance and Impact Evaluation of USAID/Uganda’s Innovative Literacy and Health Education Program
Panagora is thrilled to be the sole subcontractor in NORC’s winning proposal to carry out a five-year Performance and Impact Evaluation (P&IE) of USAID/Uganda’s Literacy and Health Education Program.
The goal of the USAID-funded Literacy and Health Education Program is to improve the quality of education in Uganda, with an emphasis on early grade reading for 3.5 million primary schools students, and health and HIV/AIDS education. It also seeks to improve the availability and use of high-quality data for education sector decision-making, including on HIV/AIDS prevention.
Panagora is excited about working with NORC, a research and evaluation leader, and serving USAID/Uganda’s pioneering efforts to program multi-sectorally and implement USAID’s new evaluation policy and collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) agenda.
In this cutting-edge scenario, the NORC team will undertake performance and impact evaluation as a third party in an ongoing manner parallel to implementation. Throughout, we will maintain a close relationship with USAID, Ugandan counterparts, and the implementing partner, RTI, to maximize learning, facilitate continuous improvement, and increase ultimate program impact.
Panagora will support the overall evaluation effort, and lead the performance evaluation, complementing NORC with performance evaluation, literacy, and health and HIV/AIDS expertise.