Panagora Enlisted to Help Establish a Web-Based TB Knowledge Center in Ukraine
Panagora is helping USAID/Ukraine’s Strengthening Tuberculosis (TB) Control in Ukraine project (STbCU) create a web-based TB knowledge center, as a subcontractor to Chemonics International.
The center will help support the overall goal of STbCU to promote use of internationally recognized best practices in control and treatment of TB, multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB), and HIV/TB co-infection. Specifically, STbCU aims to improve the quality and expand availability of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) TB services. Establishment of a TB training and information resource center is an important step in reaching this goal.
Panagora is carrying out research to identify best practice among existing virtual TB resource centers and will help design and establish a center with stakeholder input to obtain the necessary consensus on function, content, approaches, and positioning to ensure sustainability.
Panagora is excited to be a part of helping improve the quality and expand availability of the WHO-recommended DOTS-based TB services in Ukraine.