Services & Expertise

Services Offered

Panagora Group offers an array of global health, international development, and learning services and experts across a wide range of technical and cross-cutting areas. We can provide expertise as short-term or long-term technical assistance in-country or in Washington, DC through institutional support mechanisms.

We provide premier support in:


Strategic planning


Assessment, design and


Integration of knowledge sharing, innovative learning, and communication


Capacity-Building and Organizational Development


Market and best practices


Training and facilitation


Implementation from startup to closeout

Our Expertise

Panagora offers a range of international development and global health services and experts. We provide short- and long-term technical assistance at the country level or in Washington, D.C. Drawing on decades of experience across all developing regions, our team offers a range of foundational international health and development services, with specialized expertise in:

  • Global Health
    • NGO engagement to carry out technical work and manage donors funds through capacity building and grant financing mechanisms
    • Community engagement through the champion collaborative approach wherein communities and service delivery points join forces to greatly increase outcomes
    • Technology solutions for social mobilization, communication, and behavior change
    • Multisectoral activities that mirror how people live – where information, commodities, and services are provided in an integrated and accessible manner in routine settings, such as workplaces and schools
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
    • User-focused evaluations with facilitated collaborative learning approaches to improve the quality of program design and implementation
    • Performance, impact and continuous evaluations using qualitative, participatory and quantitative data analysis
    • Compliant and locally relevant monitoring and learning plans that encourage local ownership and quality data
  • Private Sector Solutions
    • Total/local market approaches to incentivize sustainable commodity supply
    • Social franchising for quality services for the poor with cost recovery through cross-subsidization
    • Private provider networks to improve service quality and management
    • Public-private partnerships for sustainable solutions
    • Operationalizing policies and regulations
  • Capacity-Building
    • Organizational development using participatory and appreciative approaches that facilitate open exchange and build the buy-in and ownership necessary for successful organizational change
    • Capacity- and skills-building through a combination of training and on-the-job mentoring and coaching to ensure integration of newly acquired skills
    • System strengthening in low-resource and conflict-affected settings
    • Build sustainable country capacity through strengthening sector systems across levels—national, regional, and local—while lodged in the realities of engaged communities
  • Knowledge Management and Communications
    • Design and delivery of innovative, user-centric, knowledge management and learning approaches
    • Active promotion of participatory dialogue, ownership and sharing of good practices among countries, donors and stakeholders
    • Advanced data use, management and insights for decision making, adaptive management and leveraging of resources
    • Capacity building to support knowledge-sharing, collaborative learning, and adult training
    • Practical design and application of technologies that facilitate greater ease in accessing, sharing, and using data and information