Panagora Group Awarded Prime Contract Under USAID/EVAL ME II IDIQ

Panagora Group is delighted to announce that we have been awarded a prime contract under USAID’s EVAL-ME II IDIQ for the period 2020-2025. The EVAL-ME II IDIQ is the flagship global vehicle providing in evaluation, performance monitoring, learning, capacity building, research and assessment services for USAID/Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL), other operating units in Washington, and in missions. The work done through this IDIQ supports USAID in using evidence for decision-making and support the Journey to Self-Reliance.

Team Panagora consortium is comprised of the following organizations: Collaborate Up, DT Global, FEG Consulting, ICRW, JE Austin and Associates, Keshif LLC, Marketshare Associates, Natural Resource Consulting Engineers, and Weeyacom. Resource Partners include: Grant Thornton, Data Innovator (South Africa), Capacity Building Service Group (Bangladesh), and Center for Promotion of Human Rights and Development in Africa (Kenya).

For information on how to work with Panagora under this mechanism, please contact To learn more about our consortium’s capabilities, please view this one-page summary.

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