Stocking Up on Data: Fueling Change and Self-Reliance with Stats on Contraceptives

At Panagora, we are passionate about creating innovative solutions that stick. The Contraception Security Indicator (CSI) Dashboard implemented within the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project is an interactive online hub that houses key data on contraception supply, availability, and security in over 35 countries. It is a novel example of innovation and sustainability in action.  

The CSI Dashboard supports country stakeholders, including policymakers and advocates, to make evidence-based decisions related to contraceptive security by providing current and accurate data. The dashboard provides up-to-date information on contraception security indicators for each country, such as quality control standards in place, variety of commodities available, and stockout rates which are important to forecasting and planning procurements for contraceptive commoditiesWell-aligned with USAID’s Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR) goals, the dashboard also supports governments to create sustainable, local changewith a holistic view of the socio-economic impact of contraception security. They can identify trends and patterns from the data, and from there set realistic goals that can be managed in the long term.  

Contraceptive Security Indicators Dashboard


Indicators monitored within the dashboard cover key topics including commodities, contextual information, finance and procurement, leadership and coordination, private sector involvement, policy, quality, and supply chain considerations. This information is critical for stakeholders in-country to ensure everyone can choose, access, and use the contraceptives they need for family planning and health. It also helps hold governments accountable for providing safe, available, and affordable contraceptives. 

The dashboard was developed and continues to be managed by the Communications, Learning, Evaluation, and Analysis for Results (CLEAR) team, led by Panagora as part of the GHSC-PSM project. The CSI team within CLEAR works with country officials and GHSC-PSM staff in-country to collect, quality check, analyze, package, and disseminate the indicators via monthly reports to country officials and other key stakeholders as well as via the USAID GHSC dashboard for contraceptive security indicators. 

As a promising tool that can be adopted for reporting on other issues, Panagora has helped lead the expansion of the key commodity reporting dashboard for contraceptive and reproductive health to a new key health area – HIV/AIDS commodities. Panagora, in partnership with stakeholders, will continue to explore avenues by which the dashboard can serve other initiatives in the development sector. 

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