This year’s theme for World Aids Day is: End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics.
We could not agree more. To that end, Panagora Group is proud to support USAID in South Africa, which has the largest HIV epidemic in the world and the largest caseload of COVID-19 in Africa. Our Technical Support Services (TSS) Activity assists USAID in the southern Africa region to address technical priorities and develop creative, innovative solutions to strategically allocate resources, strengthen connections with implementing partners, and replicate best practices and effective program models. In 2021, our support included facilitating communities of practice with USAID and implementing partners to identify and apply HIV program best practices in data management and visualization.
In collaboration with USAID and Johns Hopkins University, we presented an analysis of key populations program adaptations during COVID-19 at IAS2021, which was featured in the Differentiated Service Delivery newsletter following the conference. We also provide technical support to USAID’s partners delivering critical HIV service delivery across 15 districts in South Africa, helping to identify and address challenges at site level. This year, we conducted over 1,400 site support calls and developed 11 conversation guides detailing good practice for HIV case finding, continuity of treatment, and other key topics. We conducted a research study on the mental health needs of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, identifying 11 practical recommendations to strengthen support provided to them.
Panagora’s work is helping USAID and its partners to strengthen their programming, as well as better capture, document, and communicate their results to key stakeholders in compelling ways. We are now expanding our support to other countries in the region, including Botswana, Eswatini, and Mozambique. We honor all those working at the frontlines of the HIV, TB, and COVID-19 pandemics across the world and are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the outstanding and ongoing efforts to End inequalities, end AIDS, and end pandemics!
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