Building on MEL and CLA work in Philippines, Panagora expands regionally

Building on MEL and CLA work in the Philippines, Panagora expands regionally

Big news! We are proud to partner with Management Systems International (MSI) as a subcontractor on USAID’s Philippines, Pacific Islands, and Mongolia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (PIMMELA). In the Philippines, Pacific Islands, and Mongolia, USAID works to bolster democratic governance, inclusive growth, resilience, and more. We are excited to help USAID work with local expertise in these countries to better use MEL and collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) practices. We look forward to working with MSI on this activity to enhance program effectiveness and help USAID cut through the noise to find solutions that stick.

Our bread and butter: turning evidence into action for improved development outcomes

Building on our extensive experience in global health and long history of work with the Office of Health in USAID Philippines, Panagora will lead the health monitoring, evaluation, research, reporting, analysis, and adapting (MERRLAA) work—supporting the Office of Health with transforming data and evidence into ever more effective health programming.

Our deep MEL and CLA work for the USAID/Philippines Mission includes managing the USAID CLA for Improved Health (CLAimHealth) activity that we led from 2018 to 2022. We conducted annual performance evaluations and supported an independent team that performed a mid-cycle whole-of-project evaluation (WOPE) of the Health Project. The WOPE assessed the suitability of the Health Project’s existing configuration for meeting its goals, and recommended adaptations for the remaining life of the project and strategic directions for the next program cycle. A 2021 external assessment demonstrated how CLAimHealth’s strategy strengthened processes, skills, attitudes, and collaboration in the Office of Health and among its implementing partners, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are thrilled to work in Mongolia again, after providing MEL services in 2014 for the USAID/Mongolia Business Plus Initiative. This initiative supported the enhanced role of the private sector in Mongolia’s economic growth by complementing and supporting the government’s strategy to advance business-enabling policies, strengthen private sector competitiveness, and increase financial sector capacity.

Our track record advancing CLA in the Philippines

Panagora is delighted to also continue our work to support CLA for USAID/Philippines. Since 2018, we have worked closely with the USAID/Philippines Mission through the CLAimHealth and CLAimDev MEL platforms, helping USAID improve development outcomes across health, education, science and technology, urban development, and IDP rehabilitation. CLAimHealth was implemented from February 2018 to March 2022, providing performance monitoring, evaluation, and, importantly, evidence generation. Through an active CLA Technical Working Group composed of USAID AORs and CORs, implementing partner COPs and M&E officers, and national CLA champions, CLAimHealth facilitated the collaborative learning among stakeholders needed for continuous improvement and accountability needed to ultimately achieve better health outcomes for Filipinos.

Our signature approach: Evidence to Action

We will continue to apply our signature approach, Evidence to Action (E2A), which integrates CLA throughout the program cycle to bring forward high quality evidence in intentional and systematic ways, and use it to facilitate action-oriented learning for adaptive management. By deliberately planning and resourcing the learning process, we accelerate USAID’s ability to make changes and decisions that lead to optimized development outcomes. As a result, our approach fosters a deeper connection between USAID programs and the communities they serve, ultimately leading to more resilient and self-sufficient local systems. PIMMELA reinforces our commitment to enhance global development outcomes through innovative and localized monitoring, evaluation, and learning practices that support evidence-based decision-making.

We look forward to extending our MERLA and CLA solutions in the Philippines to Mongolia, Pacific Island countries, and Papua New Guinea under PIMMELA.