Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting for Improved Health (CLAimHealth) Activity for USAID/Philippines

Collaborating, Learning and Adapting for Improved Health (CLAimHealth) Activity for USAID/Philippines. As a prime contractor, Panagora provided technical support for monitoring, evaluation, and learning to USAID/Philippines’ Health Project to improve health for underserved Filipinos. Panagora formulated health, gender integration, and institutionalization/sustainability indicators; recommended geographic areas for family planning and maternal/child health coverage; undertook baseline data collection and ongoing performance monitoring data collection, analysis, and reporting; supported the Office of Health in developing their MEL Plan; and developed a plan for and built capacity in the Mission on conducting data quality assessments (DQAs). To support USAID’s learning and adaptive management objectives, Panagora implemented a Health Portfolio Performance Evaluation; documented good practices and promising interventions; undertook secondary analyses and implementation research studies; and implemented learning, dissemination, and capacity building events. CLAimHealth Philippines was active from 2018-2022.

Learn more about our latest work in the Philippines as a prime contractor for USAID’s Philippines, Pacific Islands, and Mongolia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activity (PIMMELA)

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