Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL)
Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) for the USAID/South Africa Bilateral Health Office. Through the MERL task order (TO), Panagora led a 5-year activity to support USAID/South Africa’s Bilateral Office of Health in maximizing results under the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) health development objective. Panagora helped USAID tackle the high volume of data and transitioned to a more systematic and intentional CLA approach, advancing USAID more strategically to focus resources, improve IP management, and replicate best practices and efficient models. Panagora supplemented USAID capacity for three ongoing tasks: SIMS (site improvement monitoring system) analytics, PEPFAR performance reporting analytics, and data visualization; and, on an as-needed basis, supported SIMS assessments, data quality assessments, family planning and HIV/AIDS compliance, PMP development and review, MEL plan development and review, and a variety of other analytical, evaluation, CLA, and capacity building tasks. All work was undertaken within a CLA framework in which best and promising practices were identified and shared collaboratively to facilitate learning and replication. MERL was active from 2018-2020.