Our Work

Colombia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Short-term Activity (MELSA)

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for the USAID/Colombia Mission. As the prime contractor of the 2-year Colombia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Short-term Activity (MELSA), Panagora provides USAID/Colombia with technical and advisory services related to the monitoring, evaluation, and learning of USAID/Colombia’s strategy and activities.

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Sudan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for the USAID/Sudan Mission. Panagora is the prime contractor of the five-year Sudan Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Activity. We provide technical and organizational support to USAID staff in the areas of 1) monitoring and evaluation, 2) development outreach and communications, 3) program cycle management, and 4) collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA).

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Uganda Health Activity (UHA)

The USAID Uganda Health Activity (UHA) aims to strengthen the Ugandan health system and increase the survival and well-being of vulnerable populations. UHA will integrate activities across multiple health sectors to increase access to and use of quality health services at the community and health facility levels.

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Cambodia Malaria Elimination Project 2 (CMEP2)

Under a subcontract with URC, Panagora is leading the integration of Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) practices and social inclusion and equity throughout implementation of The Cambodia Malaria Elimination Project 2 (CMEP2).

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Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services-North, Acholi Activity (RHITES-N, Acholi)

As a subcontractor to University Research Co. (URC), Panagora led knowledge management and learning, organizational development, private sector engagement, and provided integral support in behavior change communications and youth engagement for USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in North Acholi Uganda Activity (RHITES-N Acholi). With long-term in-country staff, we conducted a stakeholder network analysis and developed and implemented a contract life cycle learning plan, that included documentation and dissemination of best practices and ongoing continuous collaboration, learning, and adapting activities. Through capacity self-assessments and participatory methods, we built capacity and developed leadership of Ugandan district health management teams to better manage health systems in the Acholi region. RHITES-N Acholi was active from 2018-2022.

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Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting for Improved Development (CLAimDev)

Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting for Improved Development (CLAimDev) activity for USAID/Philippines. Panagora led this activity, which supported the Philippines Mission to identify and learn from other USAID-supported activities that contribute to the Philippines’ capacity and commitment to self-reliance. CLAimDev was active from 2020-2023.

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Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting in India Mechanism (CLAIM)

Panagora led the India CLAIM mechanism, awarded through a woman-owned small business sole source IDIQ, to provide technical and advisory services to the India Mission. Under this mechanism, we supported the achievement of USAID’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) which focused on India’s Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR). CLAIM was active from 2020-2023.

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Colombia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL)

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) for the USAID/Colombia Mission. As the prime contractor of the 5-year Colombia Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Activity, Panagora provides support to USAID/Colombia through technical and advisory services that inform USAID programs and activities as they collaborate with the Government of Colombia, civil societies, and the private sector.

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